Albaflex Aesthetic Archwires
NiTi Ivory-Coloured Albaflex Archwires
The ivory-coloured Albaflex coating provides a discreet solution for NiTi archwires, while preserving their mechanical properties.
Stainless Steel Ivory-Coloured Albaflex Archwires
The ivory-coloured coating Albaflex provides a discreet solution for stainless steel archwires, while preserving their mechanical properties.
- Manufacturer: GC Orthodontics
- Material: NiTi | Stainkess Steel
- Type: Round | Rectangular | Square
- Appearance: Aesthetic | Ivory Coated
- Form/Design: Preformed
These class IIa medical devices are regulated medical devices that owns the EC marking in this regard. Only for healthcare professionals. Respect the instruction for use and information the label before using.